In my
last blog posts (Microservices: a few thoughts and The Importance of structuring Microservices) I wrote about microservices. Now it's time to go from theory to
practice and write some code. Based on Spring Boot, Netflix OSS (Eureka, Feign,
Hystrix and Ribbon) and Maven I created a setup for a microservice architecture.
I have put my example microservice project on GitHub.
What the microservice example does
What the microservice example does
- It's a microservice system consists out of 3 microservices and one frontend microservice.
- product service: which just returns the data for a product (CPU, keyboard or mouse).
- user service: which just returns the data for a user.
- shopping cart service: which stores for the users the products in their shopping carts.
- frontend service: communicates with all microservices, aggregates the data and generates out of the data a simple HTML page.
- The microservices are grouped by domains.
- Eureka is used to discover the microservices. Multiple instances can be started and new instances will automatically registered into the system and will be used from the existing microservices.
- Ribbon is used transparently to do the load balancing on the client. So there is no need to have static IPs and a manually maintained load balancer.
- The REST clients for the microservices only consists out of interfaces. No cooding needed.
- Hystrix REST clients are used to ensure resilience. The Hystrix REST clients are very effortless to write.
- The REST endpoints are done with Spring`s @RestController and implements the interface of the REST Client to ensure that the REST client and the REST endpoint matches each other.
- Enhanced log output to make you life easier. It's done transparently with a Spring Interceptor and a Feign Interceptor.
- The frontend microservice generates a UUID for each request. This UUID is put into the MDC (Mapped Diagnostic Context) and will be printed out for each log entry. The UUID is passed as a header to the every called microservice - even if the called microservice calls another microservice the UUID is passed along too. Therefor it's possible to know which user request caused which log entry in any microservice.
- Additional a calling stack is generated and logged. The calling stack looks like this: ServiceB <- ServiceA <- /product/1 <-
- /product/1 <- is generated by the frontend microservice and shows the IP address of the request and the called endpoint
- ServiceA: the frontend microservice called the ServiceA
- ServiceB: the ServiceA called the ServiceB
- => Therefor you always know who called the microservice. Which isn't always a easy to answer question in a big microservice system. You could improve it furthermore if you would include zipkin.
- It's possible to pack all the microservices together into one monolithic application and this application works without the need to change anything. Therefor you have great flexibility. For example in development you probably don't want to start the complete microservice system on your machine. It's handy if you can just start up everything you need, which could be only a part of the system, packed into one application
Overview: Main Frameworks
I give you an overview over the main frameworks/libraries and what they do.
Boot: It saves
a lot of time for the setup. The auto configuration and the spring-cloud-starter-*
packages are awesome. In addition the Dependency Injection and the Spring Feign
abstraction are great, too.
Eureka: It's a service
registry. Each service instance registers itself to Eureka. Afterwards all
instances of the services can be requested just with the name of the service.
So there is no need for IPs or ports. If another service instance is started
then it will be added into the corresponding service group or if a service
instance is shutdown then the instance will be removed from Eureka.
Ribbon: It's a
client side load balancer working together with Eureka. Spring Boot
transparently integrates Ribbon. So you have to do nothing to use it. Ribbon
uses the round robin scheduling algorithms.
Hystrix: It's a
latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to
remote systems. I am using annotations to configure Hystrix. It's very easy to
use Hystrix and does only require a very little amount of effort. By all means
the programmatically side is very easy. The hard part is to react correctly to errors.
Feign: It's a
REST client based on the Apache HttpClient which has a great level of
abstraction. With Spring the only thing you need to do is to write an interface
for you REST endpoint and annotate it with @FeignClient. You can use the Spring
MVC annotations instead of the Feign annotations. This has the advantage that
you reduce the complexity and the @RestController can implement the interface
to ensure that everything is compatible.
The top
level modules of the project
- all-in-one: this module includes all microservices and it is fully functionally without any change. Eureka isn't needed anymore and all remote calls will be done with standard Java method calls.
- common: this module contains some common code and following microservices: Eureka, Hystrix Dashboard and Turbine Dashboard.
- frontend-service: this module generates the HTML and calls the other services to get the data.
- product-domain: this module represents the product domain and contains all product microservices.
- user-domain: this module represents the user domain and contains all user microservices.
One repository to rule them all
I deliberately
put all microservices into a big project. The reason is that it makes
many things easier:
- The need to clone only one repository. Especially for this example no one would like to clone several repositories.
- Refactoring, searching, code navigation and so on works very well if you have everything in one project. Especially if you run the all-in-one monolithic application then it's very handy for debugging and coding.
- Changes can be done globally or locally. If you want to upgrade one library because of a security issue then it's very nice if only one pom.xml file needs to be changed. For example you could change the Spring version for all microservices. Otherwise you would need to clone and to open several projects and fix them all. Still Maven allows you to change the version of a dependency only for a specific module. You have the flexibility. Each module/microservice can be configured individual or mostly everything can be configured globally.
- Only one build is needed. Depending on the size you could build always everything. Or individual domain groups. Or individual microservices. Just execute mvn install wherever you need it.
I would
extract the common module into an own repository. This module shouldn't change
that often or is interesting to debug. Therefore it shouldn't be painful if
it's separated.
With the current structure there is one problem: you can't
build the project directly after you have cloned it. It's necessary to build
the common/common-configuration module first. Because it creates an artifact
which is needed and sadly Maven can't resolve this dependency correctly.
If the
project begins to grow then possible it makes sense to split the project
further more. For example you could create an own repository for each
domain-module. But it's up to you.
microservice is located in a domain-module with the exception of the
frontend-service. Because the frontend-service aggregates all domains. In order to have a
consistent design and usability. In the frontend-service should only be very
little logic. It should only requests and aggregates data from the endpoints and prepares
the data to be displayed. But it shouldn't have any business logic.
microservice consists of two parts:
- microservice-client: contains the Feign interface for the REST endpoint and the model/POJO classes. Additional there is a Hystrix-REST-client which just wraps the Feign-client. Actual everyone should use the Hystrix implementation instead of the Feign client.
- microservice-service: is the microservice itself with the business logic and the REST endpoints. It has a dependency to the microservice-client. Since the model/POJO classes are needed and it implements the REST interface. Thereby fewer mistakes can happen.
I am
using my parent-pom for this project. This POM file enables several useful
features like static code analysis.
In common-configuration the logback.xml is
defined. The file will be packed into an Maven artifact and then extracted into each
service-module. Thereby it prevents to have several copies of that file. Probably
you could also move the application.yml and the bootstrap.yml into this module.
Otherwise there is nothing special to the Maven setup.
and Execution
To make
it easier to build and run the project I provided some scripts. They are
located in the scripts folder and are very easy. So I think I don't need to
explain them.
The only
thing what is important to know is that it can take a little while until the microservices
are registered correctly and all microservices received the instances of the
other microservices. In the case of an error just try to reload the page a little
bit later.
I think it's
a quite sophisticated setup and that it is very well suited to be the basis of production
microservices. One amazing thing is that it's possible to pack all the
microservices together - as long as the dependencies are compatible. This makes
supposedly the development easier. Instead of the need to start many
microservices you just need to start one application. In addition it can be a
quick fix for performance issues. If there are two very talkative microservices
just glue them together until you fixed the performance issue.
I hope
you like my setup and my blog entry. I probably will write another blog post to
explain some details of the setup. This article is already so long that I didn't
want to include more details.
I am
always happy about comments and suggestions for improvements! :-)
This is a very impressive example.
AntwortenLöschenHaving so less code it is straightforward to grasp most of the theoretical concepts presented in the previous blog posts.
When doing
mvn clean install
i experienced some issues, because maven was trying to retrieve the project common-configuration from the spring repository. I've solved it by building first the project common-configuration and then the rest.
I probably will write another blog post to explain some details of the setup.
I would rather appreciate having files in the sample project source code.
The sample application is currently read-only. It would be nice to have some interraction (add a product, check-out) in the ShoppingCartService.
Can you do some print-screens and add them to the post on what can be done witht he common services (Eureka, Hystrix Dashboard and Turbine Dashboard) in their administration console ?
http://localhost:9091/hystrix -- for hystrix
http://localhost:8080/ was the parameter used for getting dashboard information about the hystrix calls.
http://localhost:8761/ -- for eureka
There is no mentioning about the clustering the services for high availability.
It would make sense to mention how to setup a eureka cluster as well a frontend service cluster.